Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby Watch 2010: Day 8

Greetings loyal readers. I should have known six days after I posted a map of all the places Baby Eaton and I have been and all the running around we have been doing since the holidays I would land myself in the hospital on mandatory bed rest.

We have successfully made it through eight days here at the hospital and are in high hopes that the next 68 or more are going to be just as successful and uneventful (uneventful is a good thing these day). So I lay here feeling poked and prodded like cattle but I am in high spirits and thankful that Baby and I are doing well.

Mark has been a Saint through all of this and should totally receive the title “World’s Greatest Father-to-Be”. He has been at the hospital fulfilling my every need and want. He has even been camped out by my side on what I can only deem as less than desirable sleeping conditions here at Hotel Baylor. The only thing I imagine would be worse is tent camping in a sleeping bag on the hard rocky ground with no air mattress for added comfort in 110 degree heat. But he is a trooper and does not complain. Earlier today he actually said it was comfortable and that he was used to it. I know he was lying but I appreciate the sacrifices he is making right now. Baby Eaton and I owe him big time when we get out of this bed.

Expectant Father-to-Be on Night 1

**Special thanks to my neighbor Alison and her two adorable boys, Carter and Hayden, for visiting me today and thank you for the bag full of goodies and great reads. 

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