Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Baby Watch 2010: Day 23

Everything here is still status quo, so I thought I would take the time to post some belly pictures.  Kelly, Rebecca and Megan will be very happy since they have been asking to see some for months.  I found these adorable mommy stickers from Picky Sticky that show how far along I am. 

I am excited to say my belly is still getting bigger and I am looking forward to taking pictures at week 32, 36, and 40.

Week 20

Week 24

Week 28 

And now for Mark....

Week 24

Week 28


Kelly T. said...

You are so cute! And thank you SO much for finally posting these pictures! My guess is a boy, you are all belly! :)

txmomof2 said...

Love the pics! You are so cute! What a great idea with the stickers. I'm guessing a boy too. :)