Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

I thought I would start off the new year right by tackling one of my New Year's Resolutions.....

Be a better Blogger!

This means I will be better at posting and updating our family and friends on all of our exciting Eaton Family Adventures.  So here goes.  I have a lot of catch up on so I can close out 2010.

November and December were both very exciting months.  So exciting and busy that all of the pictures from our adventures seemed to be trapped in our cameras.  They have now been downloaded, edited and appropriately sized for your web viewing pleasure. 

These two months brought around a lot of "Firsts".  First visits, first Holidays, first kisses, first Merry-Go-Rounds and many more.  I thought about writing out our big adventures in one long post but there is so much to tell so I will give you the Readers Digest Version and tell our stories through pictures (and maybe a few captions). 


Megan said...


Rachel said...

My one big new years resolution has become as Megan put it "an Epic Let Down"

Promise to post soon