Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Moment Mark Has Been Waiting For......

For those of you who don't know Mark is Guns N' Roses number one fan. And Saturday night or should I say early Sunday morning his dreams came true. After a long 15 year wait GNR finally released their new CD Chinese Democracy and Mark has died and gone to Heaven.

Over the last few years Mark has had me on Guns N' Roses watch. When there have been concerts we have bought ticket (only to be disappointed when Axl cancels the show), everytime there was talk about a CD release date (it would fall throught) but Mark never waivered and contunied to be their SUPERFAN. Always the supporter, Mark has constantly kept the classics alive, singing them at karoke and remaining a true fan no matter the dissappointment.

Well thats all changed and the CD is out. Mark being so excited was one of the many who preordered around the world. And although many of the reviews have been harsh, Mark and I give Chinese Democracy two thumbs up. It was definately not love at first listen for me however the more I listen to is (and yes I do have a copy of it in my car right now) the more I love it. We look forward to the tour and plan on going to the first concert. So Axl if you are reading this please don't cancel.

Better - Guns N Roses

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Pictures have arrived!

Here is a slide show our awesome photographer, Edward Charles Photography, put together on for us on his blog to showcase his talents. Thanks to Josh Hernandez, World Champion Race Car Driver, Mark and I now have the slide show available on our blog for your viewing pleasure. Ed really did a great job putting this together and we are so excited to share it with you. It starts out with a few pictures from our engagement photo session in College Station, where else, followed by some pictures from the wedding. If the pictures look like they are cut off please maximize your browser to take up your whole screen and it should fix the problem. To watch the video click the play button below. It may take a minute or two for the video to load.

Thank you again to everyone who came to the wedding and thank you to everyone who helped along the way.

We hope you enjoy.

For those who have not had enough of Mark and Rachel 2008 and would still like to see more I can email you a link to hundreds of other pictures from our wedding.